If the police pull over a driver under the suspicion of drunk driving, they may need evidence before making a lawful arrest. The police have several ways to collect evidence. However, drivers have protective rights too. Here is what you should know: 1. Police...
Month: April 2024
April is “distracted driving awareness” month
We are well aware of the dangers of texting while driving. However, there are several other things that distract us when we are behind the wheel. Therefore, as part of distracted driving awareness, here are other common causes of distracted driving: Electronic devices...
Roadway danger: What to watch for to avoid a truck accident
Sharing the road with big rigs can be intimidating. Their size and weight make them a force to be reckoned with in a collision, so it is natural to want to keep your distance. What if you could identify a potential truck accident brewing and take action to avoid it?...
3 reasons legally sober people may be arrested for drunk driving
Police officers on traffic patrol are always on the lookout for signs of dangerous drivers. Anyone swerving all over the street or otherwise showing signs of potential impairment could end up stopped and potentially arrested. Even those who know they are innocent...