
Exploring 2 common causes of divorce 

While divorce rates are declining as a whole, a significant number of marriages still end in divorce. Every relationship is unique, and thus, the causes of divorce tend to be unique too. Nonetheless, there are some common trends to be aware of.  Outlined below are...

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How to select the right divorce mediator

Once you and your West Virginia spouse have decided to divorce, you'll have many important decisions to make. One of the first, and perhaps the most important, involves choosing a divorce mediator if you elect to end your marriage without resorting to litigation....

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Why divorce and social media don’t mix

Getting a divorce doesn't curtail your right to speak your mind. However, it is generally a good idea to consider the implications of anything that you post online during or after a divorce proceeding. A West Virginia judge may decide to deny custody or increase the...

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Tips of creating blended families

As divorcees who are parents in West Virginia move on with their lives, they often fall in love with someone who also has children. Blending two families is hard work, but it can be gratifying. Supportive adult The role of the stepparent should be to act as a...

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The emotional divorce journey

Divorce is not as simple as just reaching a settlement. It is an emotional journey that can take a while and involves several stages. As West Virginia residents go through the process, they learn to adapt and cope so they can move on to a new life. Adjusting to the...

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