Sharing the highway and being a conscientious driver do more than show positive road manners: Good driving behaviors may prevent accidents and save lives. West Virginia commuters who take to the highways benefit from following several established tips to keep themselves, their passengers and many others safe from harm.
Safe practices on the road
Moving violations present enormous risks. There’s a reason why those laws are in place. Speeding and weaving in and out of lanes could be among the riskiest behaviors a reckless driver performs. Tailgating is another problem and may cause an accident. Even if someone doesn’t deliberately follow too close, the short following distance presents dangers.
Knowing how to deal with other vehicles on the road will enhance safety. For example, being mindful of special considerations when driving near tractor-trailers and commercial vans and trucks may prove wise. These larger vehicles may need additional space to maneuver and stop. Taking such things into consideration could support a better driving environment for everyone. Signing up for a defensive driving course might be a good idea, too.
Other considerations for highway safety
Driving in the right-hand lane seems wise. Unless a vehicle is passing, driving at a controlled speed in the right lane may be both preferable and required by law.
It’s important to avoid anything that causes distractions, such as talking on the phone, playing with the radio dial or eating. Many fatal accidents occur due to distracted driving.
In addition, drivers should consider making investments in safety. Ensuring that a vehicle undergoes routine maintenance helps keep the brakes, tires and other parts in good condition. Failing to do so might be negligent.
Following established tips for safe highway driving helps prevent accidents on the road. Anyone who engages in reckless or negligent behavior that causes car accidents may face a civil suit.