Why it’s important to catch signs of DVT

On Behalf of | Sep 8, 2021 | Medical Malpractice |

Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot deep inside your body. If a doctor in West Virginia fails to reasonably diagnose DVT, you might be eligible to receive compensation for the harm you suffered. When DVT isn’t caught quickly, it could cause more serious health problems.

The blood clot could travel

It’s possible for the clot to come loose and travel to another part of your body. Some people have the blood clot land in their lungs, a potentially fatal condition. The medical term for this is pulmonary embolism. You should look into whether you have deep vein thrombosis when you suffer from pulmonary embolism.

There aren’t always obvious symptoms

Deep vein thrombosis doesn’t always cause obvious symptoms. You should know what the risk factors for DVT are to stay more aware and reduce your risk of developing a deep blood clot.

Your risk of deep vein thrombosis increases after the age of 40. Long periods of bed rest is a situation in which you should tune in more with what’s going on with your body. You could develop DVT as well as other problems like bedsores. Other risk factors are sitting for long periods, pregnancy, obesity, inflammation, infections, smoking, high cholesterol, heart disease, IBS and cancer. Symptoms of DVT include:

  • Pain or soreness when you stand or walk
  • Sudden swelling of a body part
  • Enlarged veins
  • Reddened or bluish skin
  • Warmth in the body part that hurts

If you went to the doctor for these symptoms and later had complications from a missed DVT, you might have a medical malpractice claim. It’s a doctor’s responsibility to provide the best possible care for each patient.

Doctors sometimes miss health conditions, so you should take even seemingly minor symptoms seriously. If you’re concerned that you have DVT, bring it up with your health care provider.

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