When parents divorce they must make decisions about child custody and parenting plans. One option that is often considered is nesting.
What is nesting?
Nesting is an arrangement in which the children stay in the same family home and their parents take turns occupying the house. This means that one parent may live there on weekdays while the other resides there on weekends, or one parent will stay for a few weeks at a time while the other lives elsewhere.
What are the benefits of nesting?
Nesting can help children maintain a greater degree of stability. By not having to move between two households, the adjustment process is easier and more consistent for them. It also offers children an opportunity to stay in a familiar environment, which can be very comforting and reassuring after divorce. Additionally, it can help parents maintain a more consistent parenting plan by reducing the amount of scheduling and transporting that is needed for shared custody arrangements.
What are the drawbacks of nesting?
Nesting can be difficult for parents to manage, as they must constantly transition in and out of the family home. In addition, it can be expensive for both parents if they cannot agree to split costs or if one parent cannot financially support this arrangement. Finally, nesting can create problems if the parents cannot cooperate for the arrangement to work.
Ultimately, it’s up to you and your ex-spouse to decide if nesting is a viable option for your family. It’s essential to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of nesting before deciding whether or not it’s right for you. If you decide to go down this route, it’s essential to create a strict arrangement that both parents can abide by. That way, you can ensure the best possible outcome for your children.