What types of back injuries can you get from a car accident?

On Behalf of | Aug 10, 2023 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Car accidents in West Virginia cause about $3.7 million in medical costs every year. Back injuries are a common type of injury that motor vehicle accidents cause. It’s possible to have more than one type of back injury. If you had an existing condition before the accident, then you may experience a worsening of the spine-related issue.

Sprains and strains

Soft-tissue damage could cause a sprain or strain. The difference between the two is a sprain affects the ligaments whereas a strain impacts the tendons. Imaging can’t detect sprains and strains, so your doctor may listen to your symptoms and rule out other potential causes before determining that you have this type of back injury.

Herniated discs

There are discs between the vertebrae of your spine. If a disc slips out of place, then you may have a herniated disc. This condition pinches nerves in your back, causing pain, weakness and/or other problems.

Facet joint injuries

Your spine also has facet joints that are responsible for twisting and bending your body. Motor vehicle accidents could damage these parts of your body, especially if they were already at a higher risk from thinning cartilage or an untreated back-related condition.

Degenerative spinal disorders

A degenerative spinal disorder is a long-term condition in which the spine loses function and structure over time. Motor vehicle accidents can trigger or accelerate this back problem. Degenerative spinal disorders may cause other back-related injuries, such as pinched nerves, herniated discs and bone spurs.

Vertebrae fractures

The type of back injury that most people know about is a vertebrae fracture. You have a vertebrae fracture when one or more of your vertebrae cracks, breaks or sustains any other type of damage.

Your spine could experience different types of damage from a car accident depending on where you absorbed the impact and how much force was behind it. Existing back-related conditions make you more vulnerable to an injury.

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