West Virginia traffic accidents can result in serious injuries, including fractures. Patterns of fractures depend on several factors, including the speed, angle, and force of the collision, the individual’s position in the vehicle, seatbelt use, and whether they try to brace themselves. Recently, a study in Saudi Arabia found that fracture patterns in car accidents also differ by gender and age.
Fracture patterns in motor vehicle collisions
Researchers studied 301 traffic collisions in Saudi Arabia that resulted in fractures from 2018 to 2019. They found differences between victims based on their gender and age. Males were the likeliest to be involved in collisions, accounting for 82.4% of the accident victims. The authors found that most patients were younger and ranged from ages 15 to 30. The patterns of fractures sustained by victims also differed based on sex, with males likelier to sustain femur fractures and females likelier to sustain humerus fractures. The femur bone is the long bone of the upper leg, while the humerus is the long bone of the upper arm. Females were also likelier to suffer rib fractures than men. Finally, spine fractures were the third-most common fractures among both sexes.
Preventing fractures from traffic collisions
In high-speed motor vehicle accidents, fractures are common types of injuries and might be unavoidable. However, people can take the following steps to reduce their risks:
- Obey the posted speed limits
- Avoid distracted driving
- Don’t drink and drive
- Use defensive driving skills
- Always wear a seatbelt
- Pay attention to other drivers at all times
Fractures from car accidents often are not the only injuries a victim might suffer. Injuries to multiple areas of the body were also found to be fairly common. By exercising caution at all times when driving and always wearing a seatbelt, people might be able to avoid accidents and injuries.