Minor wrong-way accidents sometimes happen because of confusion. Maybe a street used to be a two-way street and it was converted into a one-way street, but someone is using an outdated GPS device. Or maybe someone is just young and doesn’t realize that they’re using a...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Why car crashes cause so many serious brain injuries
Car crashes are a leading cause of some of the worst injuries possible. People may break bones, damage their spinal cords or even suffer an amputation because of a car crash. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is also a possibility as a result of a serious car wreck....
Right-on-red bans being mulled in several American cities
Drivers in West Virginia and around the country have been able to make right turns at most red lights since the 1970s. The federal government encouraged states to revise their motor vehicle codes to allow right turns at red lights as part of a national effort to save...
Common shoulder injuries sustained in car accidents
Car accidents are an unfortunately regular occurrence on West Virginia roads. It’s normal for some involved in one to think they escaped physically unscathed; however, some injuries don’t manifest until days later. These are some of the common shoulder injuries after...
Mistakes to avoid after a West Virginia motor vehicle accident
A West Virginia motor vehicle accident is a traumatic event. That’s why it’s easy to forget what to do after an accident. Your actions after an accident matter, especially if you might decide to file an auto injury claim. Try to avoid making mistakes when you get into...
3 forms of distracted driving people don’t always perceive as unsafe
Public awareness campaigns and changing laws have helped people better understand how dangerous certain behaviors can be. For example, ever since the popularization of smartphones, there has been a lot of focus on screen-related distracted driving. The average driver...
How does speeding factor into car crashes?
In West Virginia, speeding while driving can lead to major traffic accidents, resulting in injuries and fatalities. Understanding some of the causes and statistics about accidents caused by speeding can help drivers understand the importance of driving safely and...
What types of back injuries can you get from a car accident?
Car accidents in West Virginia cause about $3.7 million in medical costs every year. Back injuries are a common type of injury that motor vehicle accidents cause. It's possible to have more than one type of back injury. If you had an existing condition before the...
DUI accidents can lead to many types of spinal and TBI injuries
When an individual consumes alcohol, gets drunk and operates a motor vehicle, it can increase the odds of getting into an accident. Unfortunately, DUI accidents occur regularly in West Virginia. When this happens, it leaves drivers and passengers vulnerable to a...
Patterns of fracture injuries from car crashes
West Virginia traffic accidents can result in serious injuries, including fractures. Patterns of fractures depend on several factors, including the speed, angle, and force of the collision, the individual's position in the vehicle, seatbelt use, and whether they try...